The Power of Love

Learn how the power of love can change your life

Karen Rose


Love. What is it and how can it change your life?

Love simply put is the pure energy from our spiritual selves. Our spirit exists in energy always. It is the energy that we all come from, however, when we reincarnate into a physical existence on this planet, we often forget that we are pure love energy. So how do we return to that pure love energy and remain there while we exist on this planet?

We can remind ourselves of the times we loved or were loved. We can make lists of the activities we do that make us feel loved or make us happy and make sure we devote time during our day to them. We can review the relationships with anyone that we don't love to be with and release them so that the people or pets can be loved for who they are and then we can open ourselves to the opportunity of new love.

We can meditate to create a feeling of love, to love our current position in life and through loving ourselves, we can create more experiences to love in our lives. Meditation is listening to God (or the Source) while prayer is talking to God, so make sure you spend time doing both to devote a portion of your life to your spiritual self.

When people love us for who we are, we glow and grow. This in turn helps us spread the energy of love to others. When you don't feel loveable, chances are you have adopted a belief system from someone who felt unloved when they were raising your or when they were sharing space with you during your formative years (0-8 years old). Looking into the cause of feeling unloveable during a meditation will reveal where that limiting belief came from. We are all loveable, only sometimes we don't act like we are deserving of love. Taking time to reflect on this issue will yield immense results for you as well as for those who surround you.

Our pets are a great indicator of how loveable we are and how we let love into our lives. Children do the same thing for us. We just have to pay attention to how we are received by both so we see where our energy currently is. When you are loving yourself, your life, your people and pets, and your surroundings, you are creating everyday miracles in your life. Gratitude for what you have right now is the quickest way to receive more of what and who you are. Remember, you attract what you are, not what you desire, but when you match your vibration to your desires, what you desire is drawn to you by your very energy.

Ready to heal and work on yourself? I have a session for that. Send me an email to get started.