
Learn how forgiveness can help you heal and set you free

Karen Rose


Forgiveness is very powerful. It can help you heal and set you free.

The first thing you must understand before you begin the action of forgiveness is to understand that we all began as energy. We chose to exist in the physical bodies we are currently in. We are here on this planet for a reason and almost always the reason is within ourselves. Whenever we feel a negative emotion about someone or something, we must understand that feeling this is an opportunity to heal on a mental/emotional level. Once we heal from that we have created our own freedom.

Recriminations are hurled insults at someone when someone tells you something about you like when they say, you are so stupid or weak. When they are aimed at us over and over, or maybe it was said only once, we may take them on as a belief. These negative beliefs we hold onto about ourselves harm us and keep us from living from a place of love and light. Coming from a place of love and light is how we energetically exist. We choose to be born into a physical body on this planet of duality in order to overcome any obstacle that we have placed in our lives. Yes, that's right. We placed them there.

Often life on this planet is called the place of forgetting because many people, from the moment they are born, begin to forget who they really are. They are actually beings of light but that may be get programmed out as they are taught to come from a very physical place or from a programmed spiritual place, like belonging to a rigid organized religion that doesn't allow its members to think for themselves. After our lives end on this planet, we return to the other side, have our life review. Either we learned the lessons we intended to learn and finish up our lives on this planet, or we didn't. If we did not learn our lessons, we are able to choose whether we return to Planet Earth to finish up or not. It's always up to us. This is why it is so important to realize why we are here and what lessons we are to learn so we can release ourselves from having to reincarnate back to a life on this particular planet. We also understand that we are co creators with other people, pets, plants and other beings on this planet. Failure to understand that creates issues as well.

The very act of forgiveness allows you to move forward into the life you desire. All you have to do is sit down and take the time it takes to do this. In a past life regression hypnotherapy session with me, my clients have a forgiveness to say out loud when they are releasing a cause of concern in their current lives that was created with another person. They have had a life or lives where they did not learn the lesson that they were supposed to. This is why the issue currently exists. Saying the forgiveness out loud enables them to release the lesson and move forward in their lives. This is forgiveness they say:

Thank you for helping me with my lessons. Thank you for letting me help you with your lessons. I forgive you and I forgive myself. I love you and I love myself.

I use these statements in a meditation whenever I feel someone's disgruntled energy directed toward me merely because I do not have a relationship with them because we are no longer an energy match. All you have to do to use this is to sit in a meditation, bring in the energy of that person by directing to draw their energy into your third eye. Once you see or sense that their energy is there, you say these statements in your mind or out loud. Watch or sense what happens with their energy. When you see them accept it and move away, you have healed that aspect of yourself. It may take saying the statements more than one time to release and heal that aspect of your life.

Another way to work with forgiveness is to use the Hawaiian prayer of forgiveness known as Ho'oponopono. Using this very sacred prayer is a way to release people's energy from your life and to help you create with the energy of love and forgiveness in a special and sacred way, much like the forgiveness I use in my past life regression hypnotherapy sessions. The Hawaiian prayer goes like this:

I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.

If you don't feel like using either of these forgiveness statements, you can create and use your own. Taking the time to realize that there is something within us to heal is an extremely powerful way to move forward into a peaceful loving existence. Happy healing and releasing what no longer serves you.

When you want help, I have a session for that. Send me an email to inquire or to book a session.