Creating Harmony in Your Life
When you want a peaceful life, it's important to reflect on creating harmony in your life.
Karen Rose
1/23/20253 min read

Creating harmony in YOUR life is so important when you desire peace, love and the flow of the desired direction in your life.
So, how do you go about creating harmony in your life?
I say, your life, because it’s not up to you to create harmony in other people and pets lives because you are responsible for yourself, your life, and wellbeing first. Then, if you desire, you can assist others in creating harmonic lives.
How can you begin then?
Look at what makes you feel good and what comes easily for you. Reflect on who and what you are attracting and how you are doing that. This will give you some insight on where you currently are vibrating.
When you are attracting some people, things, and energy that you do not like, it’s time for you to take some time and sit down to realize what you are doing to draw that energy into your life. Once you have realized how you are a part of creating that energy that you do not enjoy, it’s time to do something about it.
If the energy is negative, think about what you are doing to help create and allow that negative energy to thrive or keep it alive. Then do some release work for that negative energy. If you can identify the source of where it came from, one thing you can do is hold in your mind the source of the negative energy, place it in a bubble and say, bless and dismiss until you see the bubble of the source of the negative energy disappear out of your mind’s sight.
Energy is never created or destroyed. It just keeps moving wherever it can live and stays where it is allowed to thrive. That’s why it is so important to know and understand how you want your life to be. That is the first step.
The second step in creating your desired life, one of harmony, is knowing where your vibration currently is. If it’s lower than you want it to be, remind yourself that you come from love. Love is the only vibration we all come from and it’s this love based energy that exists on the other side. When we incarnate on this planet of duality, positive and negative, we often forget that we are love.
To deal with feeling negative or fear based, you can also say this affirmation out loud or in your mind, I am love. Saying that you are love is true because that is your original vibration. Being born into difficult circumstances on this planet, which you chose before you were born by the way, is merely a challenge you created for yourself. Once you have overcome the challenge, you return to your original vibration of love. You will know that you have returned to your original vibration of love because of how you feel. You will feel love, good, positive, peaceful and yes, you will be existing in harmony in a positive way.
Loving who you are is so important when you are creating a life based in harmony. When you love yourself, you are going to attract the energy of love which is going to award you with circumstances, people and pets who also vibrate from a place of love. It can go the other way of course. If you feel mistrust, angry, fear or anything else negative you will be awarded with situations that will feed this energy based in negativity. It is up to you whether you want to engage with this energy or not.
You are the most powerful person in your life. Please remember that. You get to choose who stays and who leaves in your life, no matter what they say. It was always your choice anyway.
As you move toward your fabulous life based in harmony, always remember that when you don’t love or appreciate something that is currently in your life, it’s time to let it go. This gives you the space to create the life you desire and it allows the other people, pets and energy to create the lives they desire.
So, go forth and create the life you desire. Recognize when something in your life does not match your desired vibration and let it go.
Much love to you,
Karen Rose