Become a Conscious Creator
Learn how to become a conscious creator
Karen Rose
Becoming a conscious creator in your life takes a very special effort. In order to become a creator of your life you must be aware of several things.
One is that in order to be a conscious creator you must be aware of the law of cause and effect. This means that when you do something, it results in something else happening. Even when you choose to do nothing when you actually need to do something, something will happen. This is why you must be aware that your choices and actions have consequences.
Another idea you must be aware of is that you came here to this particular planet to be involved in creating with something or someone. That something may very well be Spirit, however you must choose to involve Spirit in your life. Everyone has a guardian angel from the moment they are born, not everyone chooses to ask that guardian angel for help. Your guardian angel cannot help you unless you ask it to help you. And when you do ask, you may not yield immediate or visible results. You must understand that when you ask, your guardian angel has been put into motion to assist you and guide you, but you must be open and willing to receive.
Something else you must consider is where you want to be in life. Think about who you want to surround yourself with, where you want to live, how you want to live and what you want to be doing. Keep those considerations in mind as you go about your daily life. Watch as synchronicities begin to show up and thank your guardian angel, Spirit, or even the physical friends you have, for the wonderful gifts and confirmation you are receiving.
Finally, you must pay attention to how you feel. How you feel is an indicator of whether you are choosing an action that is right for you. If it feels wrong, it's not in your best interest to pursue that direction. If the action you choose feels exciting, satisfying, self-fulfilling in terms of your dreams, goals, and desires, then you have definitely become a conscious creator in your reality here on this planet.
Enjoy the life that you are creating, and when you are not, take some time to reflect. Make a list of what you like and do not like in your life. Take special care in pursuing what you do like and allow what you do not like to fall away, out of your life. It takes some time and effort, but when you live this way, by consciously creating, you have taken the effort to create the life you desire.